How to create a BTC account

Differences between Wallet and Account

There is multiple option to create a BTC account, but in the BTC world you generate a Wallet first.

Basically a Wallet is a set of BTC accounts.

A BTC account has the form of:


You can choose any of the account of your wallet, any account is OK.

Where create a BTC Wallet ?

There is many tutorials and available wallets on Google, check these:

Hot to choose one account from your wallet ?

Choose one account from the wallet App or website is easy.

Choose the “Get BTC” or “Receive Bitcoins” option, the wallet application will give you one of the account for the other party to send you Bitcoins, which is precisely what we will do for you.

You will see a QR and somewhere the acoount raw digits, usually with a copy icon, get that number.

Here you can have an image of a random Wallet app showing that screen (needless to say that your address will be different!)

receive bitcoins screen

Coinbase has a great tutorial on how to get a Bitcoin address, all the wallets has a similar procedure. also show you how to receive Bitcoins that may hel you.

Changing your receiving BTC account

Call And Cash accounts are read only to enforce security, if you need to receive the crypto to new account, just create a new Call And Cash Account and don’t use the old one, start to make calls using the new PIN.

The unpaid amount at old account will be sent to the old account eventually.